Weight loss vs Inch loss
Diets are a great way to lose weight, however often we hear clients have lost pounds, but still have annoying bulges around stomach/hips which are difficult to shift.
At Salon 123 in Herne Bay we have a solution with our Lipolysis machine from NRG Body Perfect which promises “instant results”. Not only are results amazing but it is also very comfortable for clients, with no strain/physical effort.
SHow Lipolysis works
Initially used for wound treatment, low level laser light encourages the production of elastin/collagen in the skin which speeds up healing, however patients also experienced inch loss. Research was carried out and lipolysis machines were developed for body shaping. Laser light pads are positioned around a client’s body in areas where they want a reduction in body size. There are no gels, creams, needles, injections or suction cups required, the treatment is totally non-invasive.
The Lipo Sculpt treatment does not harm the body in any way as the fat cells are left intact. Clients who maintain a healthy diet/moderate exercise regime retain the benefits of the treatment and maintain their body shape. Book in with us today to experience the benefits yourself. See below results after just 1 treatment:

See below results after 8 treatments.