Natural products are the way forward
As many of our regular readers will know we recently introduced a natural hair colour range at Salon 123 in Herne Bay. This colour range, known as Colourherbe creates a beautiful natural hair colour, is the original non-ammonia hair colouring system and remains the only product on the market for professional use with no alcohol, no perfume and no noxious chemical smells.
Colourherbe has long been established in the UK as the gentlest, non-ammonia, permanent herbal hair colour system suitable for all types of hair, as well as for VEGANS. As our colour clients now have the choice of traditional or natural products we felt it was important to source a beauty range suitable for those wishing to pursure the "natural" route. We were therefore very pleased to be introduced to the Tropic range of skin care and make up products.
Tropic Skin Care
If, like me, you feel passionate about reducing the amount of synthetic ingredients you apply to your skin via personal care products, minimising the impact of the environment, then Tropic Skin Care will appeal to you. It’s about doing all we can. We might not be able to change the world in one fell swoop, but using products with natural ingredients and a minimal cost to the earth makes a huge collective change. Susan Ma, the creator of Tropic Skincare products made her first product, Body Smooth Polish, in her kitchen at age only 15. Her love for developing natural beauty recipes stems from her upbringing and life in Cairns, Tropical North Queensland in Australia.
Here she was surrounded by amazing plants and botanical actives that inspire many of Tropic’s formulations today. Seeking investment for her fast growing business Susan appeared on BBC’s The Apprentice and so impressed Lord Sugar that he decided to invest in her business. Susan tells us “many of our products actually begin as a solution to a problem. For example a customer told me that she was bothered by a scar she wanted to cover up, so I started to research ingredients and discovered a plant referred to as “Green gold” in the Polynesian islands, praised for its regenerative healing properties.”

From this the Tropic Tamanu Healing Balm was born (the above photo is an example of it in use).
Tamanu healing balm is just one of the great products in the Tropic range. It is anti-fungal,
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and has the same antibacterial effect as amoxicillin. All of this and
it is also safe to use on babies. Clients have found it effective on the following:
Scars – old and new
Stretch Marks
Cold Sores
Mouth Ulcers
Acne – reduces inflammation, kills germs
Cracked Skin on hands and heels
Bites and Stings
Burns, including sunburn
Pigmentation caused by sun damage
Minor cuts and scrapes
Joggers/Breastfeeding sore nipples
Nappy Rash
Chicken Pox Scabs
In fact the list is almost endless. Tamanu Balm is just one of the amazing products available in the Tropic skin care range. Why not call into Salon 123 soon where you can sample some of the products available in the range, or book yourself a Tropic Facial with prices starting at only £15 for a basic facial, or £35 for Tropic’s Anti-Ageing Facial. Bookings can be made online, right here on our website, or by calling the number or email provided on the contact page.